Sunday, November 22, 2009

Before and After

It feels like forever since my last post. Been busy will lots of stuff and lots of nothing. Anyway, I have still been shooting and had the pleasure of shooting a friend and his dog a few weeks ago. The dog, Boris, a red doberman pincer, was recently diagnosed with a heart problem and I thought it would be cool to get some shots of them together. Boris is about 9 years old and his age shows a bit in his fur which has a few bald patches. The night of the shoot he was looking and feeling good as the new medication was doing its thing. However, his bald spots betrayed him. Determined to turn back the clock and show Boris at his best, I used Photoshop to do some creative editing on these shots!  I am happy to see Boris is doing better and look forward to another fun shoot with him in the future!



1 comment:

  1. Thanks man! I am getting ready to post another before and after - this time from a scanned photo that was clearly poorly printed, poorly stored and old!
