Friday, July 30, 2010

What a view!

Today my wife and I spent the day in Plymouth.  We visited Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower II.  While touring the Mayflower II I caught a glimpse of what my ancestors must have seen from the bowels of the slave ships.  Looking up through the grates at the mast, the sky and the movements above not knowing much about where they were going.  Horrible!

Plymouth Rock - I am a bit disappointed as I envisioned a boulder made of slate or granite. Not sure what it is indeed comprised of but it didn't appear to be any of these.  We saw some very interesting sights and enjoyed a fun filled day in the sun.

Plymouth Rock

The Mayflower II

Click here for the entire gallery!


  1. out of curiosity how big is plymouth rock?

  2. Don't quote me but it looks to be about big enough for two power lifters to walk off with! It was way smaller than I had imagined.
