Monday, May 25, 2009


This is a Blog about the journey of an aspiring fine art photographer who is trying to improve his skills, market his work (which will result in sales - think positively), make people smile or feel something when they view his art and generally become a better human being!

My recent work has been inspired by the writings of LaoTze and hence the title! I have been reading various translations of the Dao De Jing and each one though slightly different, captures the same essential premise of simplicity and selflessness. I have started to create photo series that speak to a specific section of the text. The first series was inspired by Abstraction -


When beauty is abstracted
Then ugliness has been implied;
When good is abstracted
Then evil has been implied.

So alive and dead are abstracted from nature,
Difficult and easy abstracted from progress,
Long and short abstracted from contrast,
High and low abstracted from depth,
Song and speech abstracted from melody,
After and before abstracted from sequence.

The sage experiences without abstraction,
And accomplishes without action;
He accepts the ebb and flow of things,
Nurtures them, but does not own them,
And lives, but does not dwell.


See more in the Abandoned Gallery

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