Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Installation Service

This past Sunday was a busy day both from a personal and photographic stand point.  The day started with a trip into Boston for Dim Sum!  It was sweet!  The food and company were good and I had lots of opportunities to take photos both candid and posed.  This post is really about the evening portion of the day.

I was hired to photograph the installation ceremony of Pastor Pajibo Kyne at the Union Street Baptist Church in New Bedford, MA.  It was a most interesting experience.  The congregation showed such appreciation for this new minister it was incredible.  They presented him with gifts including a bible, a hymnal and a fabulous hand made robe.  Those of you who know me know that I am not a son of the church but I was moved by the service and the ceremony.  It felt good to be in an atmosphere where positive vibes were being directed at one family, specifically Pastor Kyne.  He had an air of regalness about him which led me to believe that he will be an excellent leader and influence on the members of this church.  Best of luck Pastor Kyne and congratulations! Thank you Union Street Baptist!